Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Woohoo - I saw another new bird - a brown thrasher - at my backyard goldfish pond

I love to watch the birds that come to my goldfish pond and bathe and get a drink. This is baby bird season, my favorite time of year, and I’m getting a lot of baby birds coming to my pond for their first bath and drink.

Yesterday I got a new surprise! I get to add a new bird to my backyard bird watching list as well as my Bird Watching Life List.

For the past several weeks, I have seen a flash of a brown bird with a long tail. From what I can tell from my stack of bird watching field guides, it was a brown thrasher, but I could not be sure.Brown Thrasher

Finally, yesterday, one of them landed at the pond while I was on my bench, and I got a good look at it. Yep, it is a brown thrasher!

I love to get a good look at one of God’s creatures!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bird watching big event in my backyard - I saw six goldfinches yesterday at my pond

Yesterday I saw three male goldfinches in full bright yellow breeding plumage, and three females. Since I have only seen a couple of goldfinches in my life - mostly drab non-breeding plumage, this is a big deal for me.

It's mating season, and soon baby birds will come and get their first drink and bath at my pond.



Bird watching big event in my backyard - I saw six goldfinches yesterday at my pond

Yesterday I saw three male goldfinches in full bright yellow breeding plumage, and three females. Since I have only seen a couple of goldfinches in my life - mostly drab non-breeding plumage, this is a big deal for me.

It's mating season, and soon baby birds will come and get their first drink and bath at my pond.
