He picked it up all by himself, we did not teach it to him. He is a great observer of things around him, and just pays attention.
It started because my hubby and I don't like to walk all over the house looking for each other. One of us will say "Marco" and the other will say "Polo" so we know where the other is.
Marco Polo is actually a game that you play while swimming with others in a pool - it is like tag. The person who is "It" tries to find the others with their eyes closed, only going by the sound of the "Polo"s after they say "Marco".
Any way, Rufus, the observant parrot, thought this was a fun game. So, from time to time he will just holler out "Marco" and wait for me to holler "Polo". This does not work in reverse. If I holler "Marco", Rufus will just ignore me. Rufus answers to nobody! He is his own man.
Rufus, you silly bird!
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