Page Contents:
- My Belief in God Began with a Book Recommendation
- My Favorite Books
- The Young Earth by John D. Morris, PhD (Read online)
- By Design by by Dr. Jonathan Safarti
- Darwin's Black Box by Michael J. Behe
- Darwin's Enigma by by Luther D. Sunderland
- Bones of Contention by Marvin L. Lubenow
- Buried Alive by by Jack Cuozzo
- Icons of Evolution by by Jonathan Wells
- The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
- In Six Days Edited by John F. Ashton PhD.
- On the Seventh Day Edited by John F. Ashton PhD.
- Many Infallible Proofs Henry M. Morris
- The Answers Book Ken Ham (Read online)
- More Recommended Books
My Belief in God Began with a Book Recommendation
After over 40 years of not believing that God exists, I was dared by a Christian friend to read a book. I was surprised to find that there was scientific evidence for the existence of God.After that first book, I found other books with more scientific evidence. After nine months of reading, I suddenly believed in God and became born again as a Christian. (See My Testimony)
Now, I want to be your friend, and recommend some books to you:
My Favorite Books
The twelve books listed below are my very favorites of all the scientific creation books I have read. In my humble opinion, any one of the books below have sufficient scientific evidence to prove the existence of God:• The Young Earth
by John D. Morris, PhD
The author, a geological engineer, describes the geological systems of the earth, dating methods, including radiometric dating, and shows that the Earth was made within thousands, not millions, of years.
• By Design:
Evidence for Nature's Intelligent Design — The God of the Bible
by Dr. Jonathan Safarti
• Darwin's Black Box:
The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution
by Michael J. Behe
Behe coined the term "irreducible complexity" and concluded that life on earth was intelligently designed.
• Darwin's Enigma
by Luther D. Sunderland
Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.Now over 100 years later, Sutherland wrote letters to the paleontologists of the world's largest museums and asked each one what fossils of transitional forms they had in their collections. None of the paleontologists had a single fossil of a transitional form.
• Bones of Contention:
A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils
by Marvin L. Lubenow
The science journal "Nature" published their research regarding this skull and their papers are quoted extensively in the appendix.
According to the many quotes from "Nature" it took a period of ten years to date this one fossil skull. This skull caused a big controversy in the scientific community.
This ten year process is detailed step by step using the words of the researchers, themselves.
There were many dates given by the various radiometric dating techniques. But, the scientists could not agree on the "right" date of the many that were given by the various techniques.
The author shows that a lot of the
sciencerelated to the fossils and evolution is subjective, not objective as science should be.
• Buried Alive:
The Startling Truth About Neanderthal Man
by Jack Cuozzo
Most museums only have cast copies of the skulls and most scientists have never seen a real one.
He got permission to x-ray the skulls and there are pictures in the book. He shows that the skulls have been put together improperly with the jaw jutting out.
Because of the belief in evolution the jaw has been put in a more ape like fashion in all Neanderthal skulls.
Then, these improperly assembled skulls were copied and sent museums all over the world.
evidencefor human evolution is based upon the
beliefin human evolution. There is no objective data.
• Icons of Evolution:
Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong
by Jonathan Wells
This book discusses the supposed evidence for evolution as taught in text books.
The author describes in detail the Miller-Urey experiment, Darwin's tree of life, Darwin's finches, the horse series, Haeckel's embryos, peppered moths, and several other topics.
This author is one of the people interviewed in the book above entitled The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God.
• The Case for a Creator:
A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
by Lee Strobel
After interviewing many people who gave scientific evidence for their faith, he became convinced that God exists.
This book has the interviews that convinced him that God exists. Two of the men he interviewed, Jonathan Wells (Icons of Evolution) and Michael Behe ( Darwin's Black Box
My story is similar to Strobel's. I was so excited to see that God's existence can be proven scientifically I made this website to tell others.
• In Six Days:
Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation
Edited by John F. Ashton PhD.
This might be my favorite of all the books on this list. The editor compiled papers by fifty scientists.
Each chapter is by a different scientist who gives aspects from each field that cannot be explained by purely physical means.
Each scientist gives the reasons why he believes that God created the universe, the earth, plants and animals in six days as the Bible book of Genesis describes. It
has detailed scientific explanations.
There is a sequel to this book entitled On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God which is listed below.
•On the Seventh Day:
Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God
Edited by John F. Ashton PhD.
Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation discussed above.
• Many Infallible Proofs:
Evidences for the Christian Faith
by Henry M. Morris
It has a chapter on The Bible and Science which lists things that were in the Bible before science knew about it, including the circulation of blood, the water cycle, the shape of the earth and the number of stars. The Bible verses for each are listed.
Read The Answers Book Online
This book has all the answers to the many common questions people often have about creation and evolution such as:
- Who was Cain's Wife?
- What about Carbon 14 Dating?
- How did all the animals fit on Noah's Ark?
- How do Dinosaurs fit in with Creation?