Saturday, December 04, 2010

I bought a book to learn how to style my website and blog with Cascading Style Sheets - CSS

I bought a new toy - a book called CSS: The Missing Manual.

CSS: The Missing ManualI have a website and a personal blog that I have been trying to personalize just the way I want them. I finally decided to learn a new language - Cascading Style Sheets or CSS for short.

With CSS you can entirely change the looks of a website with a few key strokes.

I have learned and used a little bit of CSS since I made my first website about seven years ago.

I have found out that it is really easy to mess up a website a few keystrokes, too. (ask me how I know)

So I thought I had better buy a book. There are many CSS tutorials on the web, including but I learn best in my lazy boy chair with book and a cup of tea.

I hunted and searched and researched and read reviews until I decided that CSS: The Missing Manual was the book for me.

From what I can tell so far, it is easy enough for a beginner, yet it is complex enough that I’ll be able to use it as a reference for years to come.

Woohoo! Learning new things is fun!


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